Market Constitution
The market has a series of guidelines to determine the suitability of applicants before the final decision to accept a stall is taken by the committee. The main rules are set out below, and a full list of criteria and an application form to join the market can be downloaded at the bottom of the page. The market constitution is also available at the bottom of the page.
Locally Produced
All produce should originate from within a 30 mile radius of the market, but the Committee is to have discretion on this.
Own Produce
Produce should originate from the Producer’s holding or premises. No bought in or third party finished products are acceptable. Specifically:
- Meat: at least 50% of the animal’s life should be at the producer’s holding
- Vegetables: all produce should be grown on the producer’s holding
- Fish: to be allowed at the discretion of the Committee
- Eggs: to be produced from the producer’s own flock
- Dairy and other processed foods, including cakes and preserves: food should be processed within the defined area, from local ingredients where practicable. For cakes no commercial mixes should be used and all ingredients listed
- Drinks: all ingredients should be sourced locally where practicable
- Plants: should be grown from seed or cuttings on the producer’s premises
- Craft and land based products: all products should be derived from the land and admission of products is at the discretion of the Committee
Principle Producer
The stall shall be operated by the principal producer, or someone who is involved in the production.
At the discretion of the Committee, Producer Co-operatives and Community Associations e.g. Country Markets, Allotment Societies may be accepted as principal producers.
Joining the Market
If you are a producer who would like to join the market then please click here to see the full list of Market Criteria which will open as a PDF document and can be printed off.
Please click here to see the Market Application Form which will open as a PDF document and can be printed off.
To apply please send a signed and dated copy of both the Market Criteria List and the Market Application Form either to the Market Chairman or Market Supervisor whose contact details are on the Contacts Page.
All of our documentation is located here.